the witness

While doing a little bit of research for this I learned that if you type Jonathan Blow into google one of the automated answers is,

Jonathan Blow pretentious

Oof. Anyway far from pretentious the man behind Braid has finally let loose some details about his work in progress, The Witness. According to the minimalist website it is “an exploration-puzzle game on an uninhabited island.” Sounds intriguing. Details are scarce beyond that but it’s lightly penciled in “to be released on multiple platforms — whatever makes sense in late 2011, when the game will hopefully be finished.”

Writing on the game’s blog Blow delves into the details of in game lighting and the lighting system he is utilising for The Witness. You can read all about it here, at JB’s blog

If, however like me you’re unaware of the intricacies of Monte Carlo Path Tracing and cower in terror at the sight (or sound?) of words like algorithm fear not! Mr Blow caters for one and all. Pretty pictures can be viewed here. Thanks Eurogamer.

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